Iichiko Special 720ml
The award-winning iichiko Special Shochu is a mature shochu produced using raw spirits aged in barrels, producing a rich aroma and a mellow taste. It can be enjoyed on the rocks for its excellent aroma, with cold water for a lingering flavour, or straight up for its unique taste. Best to pair with premium sashimi like Hotate, Tsubugai, Otoro.
2018 San Francisco World Spirits Competition – Category Best Award
2016 International Wine & Spirits Competition (IWSC) – Shochu award
2016 International Wine & Spirits Competition (IWSC) – Outstanding award
The award-winning iichiko Special Shochu is a mature shochu produced using raw spirits aged in barrels, producing a rich aroma and a mellow taste. It can be enjoyed on the rocks for its excellent aroma, with cold water for a lingering flavour, or straight up for its unique taste. Best to pair with premium sashimi like Hotate, Tsubugai, Otoro.
2018 San Francisco World Spirits Competition - Category Best Award
2016 International Wine & Spirits Competition (IWSC) - Shochu award
2016 International Wine & Spirits Competition (IWSC) - Outstanding award