Mikado-Matsu Ginjo “CEO’S Sake” 300ml/720ml


Mikadomatsu’s classic Ginjo, “CEO’S Sake.”
Originally produced as a contest entry, it was given its name since it was only sampled by our CEO.
Currently, it receives acclaim from our customers as a “sake of success.”
A well-balanced Ginjo that has a refined fragrance, acidity, and flavor.
It pairs well with any type of food and can be drank every day, but also makes a wonder-ful accompaniment for holidays such as work celebrations, Father’s Day and more.

SMV: +3.5



Mikadomatsu’s classic Ginjo, “CEO’S Sake.”
Originally produced as a contest entry, it was given its name since it was only sampled by our CEO.
Currently, it receives acclaim from our customers as a “sake of success.”
A well-balanced Ginjo that has a refined fragrance, acidity, and flavor.
It pairs well with any type of food and can be drank every day, but also makes a wonder-ful accompaniment for holidays such as work celebrations, Father’s Day and more.

SMV: +3.5

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